The Eastern concept of anatomy includes a deep understanding of a system of channels through which vital energy, or “qi”, flows to all parts of the body. Each of these channels, or “meridians”, connects to the body both on the surface and internally, affecting all of our different layers and organs. These channels also connect to one another, creating a web-like network. Acupuncture points lie along these channels and are used to access the qi. If there is a disruption, blockage, or misdirection in the flow of qi, disease will occur. Therefore, CCM treatments work to return the flow of qi to a state of balance. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, sterile, disposable needles into different points along the body’s energy channels. Most patients find the treatment very relaxing. Needles are retained for anywhere from 15 to 35 minutes, during which time the patient is encouraged to practice meditation, visualizations, or breathing techniques.