Inflammatory foods to be limited or avoided:
- Dairy [cultured dairy (yogurt, sour cream), goat’s milk and its products, or unpasturized dairy (not available except off the farm) are OK in small amounts]
- Night shades: eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and white potatoes (ONLY EAT THESE EVERY 3-7 DAYS)
- Hydrogenated and Processed Vegetable Oils
- Trans-fats (read labels!)
Anti-Inflammatory Diet:
Inflammatory foods to be limited or avoided:
- Dairy [cultured dairy (yogurt, sour cream), goat’s milk and its products, or unpasturized dairy (not available except off the farm) are OK in small amounts]
- Night shades: eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and white potatoes (ONLY EAT THESE EVERY 3-7 DAYS)
- Hydrogenated and Processed Vegetable Oils
- Trans-fats (read labels!)
- Citrus Fruits (one every three days)
- Corn Syrup (especially High Fructose)
- White and Brown Sugar: both are refined
- Refined Wheat Flour (white flour)
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Charred meats
- Peanut Butter (contains a cancer-causing mold)
- Preserved Meats (like hot dogs, sausage, salami…)
- Alcohol (if you must, red wine is the best choice)
Anti-inflammatory Foods to be enjoyed:
- Olive, Sesame, or Coconut Oils
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Wild Caught Salmon, Sardines…(*Fish to be avoided due to Mercury content: Anything Farm-raised, Tuna Steaks, Swordfish, Shark, Mackerel)
- Ginger (may be enjoyed as tea, hot or cold)
- Turmeric (found in curry)
- Sweeteners instead of white sugar: Molasses, Rice Syrup, Agave
- Whole Grains: Rice, Millet, Buckwheat, Amaranth
- Rice, Almond, Goat, or Soy milk instead of cow’s
- Tea (herbal, green, white, black), unsweetened
- Red wine (1 glass per day)